Two Round History
In essence, the history of newspapers in Indonesia is divided into two rounds the first round of the so-called white round and the second round in 1854 by the National Awakening. Second half is very instrumental in the development of newspapers in Indonesia. The first half is half white, when Indonesia was still in a state colonized by Dutch colonialism. Called white because the paper round at the time the absolute property of the Europeans, the Dutch-speaking and Dutch-language intended for readers. The content revolves around the lives of the people of Europe and has no corresponding native life. This round took place between the years 1744-1854. The second round took place between the years 1854 to the National Awakening can be roughly divided into three periods, namely:
Between the years 1854-1860
In this period the Dutch newspaper still holds an important role in the Indonesian press, but newspapers have been published in Malay called trumpet Melajoe in Semarang, published by HC NKJV.
Between the years 1860-1880
Language newspaper with pre-Indonesian and Malay from many emerging but that the leader-paper newspapers are all people of Eurasian.
Between the years 1881 to the National Awakening
This period has its own characteristics as media workers, especially the editors are no longer of Eurasian but from many Chinese and Indonesian or referred to the natives.
Period Five Indonesian Newspapers
Newspapers in Indonesia has a long history that briefly divided into six periods, namely the Dutch, the Japanese, the time of independence, the Old Order, New Order era and the era of reform. Here's a brief description of the six historical periods:
The Dutch
In the first trial was undertaken in 1744 to publish media to the publication of the first newspaper in the Governor-General Van Imhoff as Bataviasche Nouvelles, but the newspaper has only a two-year life span. Then in 1828 was issued in Jakarta Javasche Courant containing official government news, auction news and quotes from news dailies in Europe. The first printing press in Indonesia also came through Batavia (Jakarta) via a named Nederland W. Bruining of Rotterdam and then publish a newspaper called Het Bataviasche Advertantie Blad containing advertisements and general news quoted an official publication in the Netherlands (Staatscourant).
In Surabaya alone in this period has been published Soerabajasch Advertantiebland which then turned into Soerabajasch Niews en Advertantiebland. Moderate rise in Semarang Semarangsche Advertetiebland and De Semarangsche Courant. In general, fiber-paper news that emerged at that time had no political significance because it tends to advertising in terms of content. The turnover of no more than 1000-1200 copies every day. Every newspaper circulating harulah through screening by the Governor-General in Bogor. Not only that, Belandapun newspaper published in Sumatra and Sulawesi. Soematra Courant published in Padang, Padang Handeslsbland and herald Melajoe. In Makassar (Ujung) published Celebes Courant and Makassarsch Handelsbland.
In 1885 in the entire area controlled by the Netherlands has published about 16 papers in Dutch and 12 newspapers in languages such as Malay, Western Star, the Netherlands East Indies, Dawn, Star Mexicans Abroad (published in Bogor), Malay and Tjahaja Moelia bugle, Preaching Bahroe (Surabaya) and Java language newspaper, published in Solo Bromatani.
[Edit] Age of Japan
When the face of change and the Japanese invaders to enter Indonesia, the newspaper-circulated newspaper in Indonesia were taken over slowly. Some newspapers put together with savings, but the real reason is that the Japanese government tightened terhadat newspaper content. Antara News Agency was taken over and converted into a news agency based in Domei Yashima, Japan. Content newspaper used as a propaganda tool to praise the Japanese government. Indonesian journalist then working as an employee was having a high position are the ones who accidentally imported from Japan.
Newspaper Tjahaja
One of the papers published in this period is Tjahaja (new spelling Light). The newspaper has been in the Indonesian language and publishers are in the city of Bandung. The newspaper is published in Indonesia but contains news on all the conditions that occurred in Japan. The leaders of whom are Iskandar Dinata Oto, R. Bratanata, and Mohamad Kurds.
In appearance it appears that the paper reads Shichigatsu 24th 2604, which is the same as the AD calendar date of July 24, 1944.
Period of Independence
When the Japanese government to use the newspaper as a tool of government propaganda imagery, Indonesiapun did the same to take the fight in terms of communication sabotage. Edi Soeradi doing propaganda for the people coming to the Giants Ikada Meeting on 19 September 1945 to listen to the Bung Karno. Along the way, News Indonesia (BI) experienced repeated bans during which bans employees then accommodated by Merdeka newspaper founded by BM Diah. Other struggles newspaper People's Daily is the chief editor and Rinto Samsudin Sutan Makmr Alwi where the newspaper showing the "corner" and "Bang Machete" as the article. Other newspapers published during this yan is Soeara Indonesia, Daily Guidance turned into Soeara Independent (London), Sovereignty of the People (Dublin), Democracy (Padang) and Oetoesan Soematra (Padang).
Old Order Period === === After issuing a presidential decree dated July 5, 1959 by President Soekarno, there is a ban on political activities, including the media. Requirements to get a Driver's License and Permit Sunrise Print tightened then the situation is exploited by the Communist Party of Indonesia to conduct a smooth slowdown or strike by the workers and employees of the newspaper. Employees on the job slowing setting that makes a lot of newspaper columns are not filled before the print deadline (deadline). At the end of the column is filled with free advertising. This happened Soerabaja newspaper Daily Post and Guidelines in Jakarta. During this period many cases the papers pro and anti-PKI PKI.
New Order era
In this period, the newspaper was forced to re-affiliated private get first, such as the People's Sovereignty in the days of the old order must be changed to Dwikora. It also occurs in Mind in Bandung. Even the press campus pun become active again. But behind it all, surveillance and restrictions on the press, especially in terms of content remain in place. Preaching that is considered detrimental to the government should be banned and punished by revocation SIUP performed as happens in Sinar Harapan, and Sec Monitor tabloid and magazine Tempo and Editor. The press was again overshadowed by the power of the government that tends to handcuffed the freedom of the press in making the news as well as eliminate the function of the press as a social control over government performance. Colonization rife in this period.
Drs. Elvinaro Ardianto, M.Si and Dra. Komala Lukiarti Erdinaya, M.Si, 2005. An Introduction to Mass Communication. Bandung: Teens Rosdakarya.
Anonymous. 2002. Some History Press Triangle Development in Indonesia. New York: Publishers book Compass
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